Hi, i'm Rick
About Me.

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Know Me.
I offer a One to One training program at The Fitness Studio. I will help & assist you to get stronger, fitter & transform your bodies in as little as 12 weeks.
I have been into fitness for as long as I can remember. As a child, my twin brother and I were slightly under weight and this slight build carried us into our teens. We both had a desire to get bigger and be more athletic, at the age of 14/15 we purchased our first set of weights. We both threw ourselves into training and did very well.
As we progressed, a new icon came onto the scene, Arnold Schwarzennegger, as did Sly Stallone & Lou Ferrigno. Suddenly everyone wanted to emulate these all new ‘action stars’. Friends and workmates were buying weights, barbells and dumbells in their droves just to experience resistance training, gain strength, stamina and to sculpture a new look for themselves.
In 1999/2000 I decided to take the bull by the horns and make my training my vocation in life. I applied to Future Fit in Fratton, Hampshire to become a Personal Trainer.
I have been a PT for over 20 years. I enjoy all levels of fitness with my speciality being resistance training. I have owned gyms in Chichester (West Sussex) and Maltby (Lincolnshire), where I operate a One to One Training Session.
My clients come from all walks of life. From nurses, carers, doorpersons, paramedics, business persons to name but a few. As a PT I have had the pleasure to work with some of the UK’s finest trainers including Ian Duckett, Scott Laidler and Si Waterson.